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Morning Boost

/ TeaTox

5 Star Reviews

The powerful energy drink can be all natural; like a combination of powerful herbs: gardeniae fruit, red bean, poria cocos, bamboo leaf and coix seeds. With a touch of hibiscus to taste. This special blend can potentially increase energy and libido, reduce stress, improve sleep, boost natural stamina, and improve natural energy creation.

Used for swelling (inflammation), liver disorders, diabetes.

A good source of iron, phosphorus and potassium. They’re also an excellent low-fat source of protein and dietary fiber.

Promotes immune health. It is also believed by some to prevent or treat a wide range of illnesses and disorders, from anxiety and insomnia to cancer and Alzheimer’s disease.

In addition to aiding with digestion, bamboo leaves is used to reduce inflammation.

Has strong antioxidant, anti-inflammatory, anti-obesity activity, stimulate reproductive hormones, promote uterine contraction and modulate gut microbiota.

Is this FDA Approved?

We are proud to say that DEFYR MEDIA SOLUTIONS OPS (The company that owns Healthy Sage) has FDA certifications for both Food and Cosmetic importation and trading, our facilities also have multiple license to operate from the FDA. So, yes we are FDA approved.

Is this safe?

All of our formulations are handled by our partners and laboratories in New Zealand, every product undergoes strict compliance with the FDA and also other regulatory bodies. We have sold over 150,000+ packages nationwide with 5-Star Reviews.

Key Benefits

Natural Waste
Memory Retention
Natural Brain

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